Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I am big

I am not feeling so well I have bloated stomach and my dear looking at my tummy. I know it is big, hey I am not pregnant I am just big. :D

I will know if I am pregnant but I am not I have period every month so obviously it is not pregnant. Anyway with our finance situation I think not suitable for baby. Having one is just nice as you can travel easy as I plan on going for holiday then my dear told me if pregnant cannot go. I mean if the location need to take flight to reach.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Laughing Vixen Lounge Birthday giveaway

I love giveaway and I am taking part in Laughing Vixen Lounge Birthday giveaway, you can take part too.

Visit Laughing Vixen Lounge and you see more.

Giveaway ends on 4 Aug, 2010.

To take part just click on above link, good luck.